A Talmud Torah in Netanyah is Considering Joining the State Chareidi Network
by Binyamin Rabinowitz
Investigative work by this reporter has determined that the Talmud Torah Hadar Yisroel in Netanyah has been in touch with the Ministry of Education about joining its new Mamlachti-Chareidi School System. Although no official confirmation has been forthcoming so far, the discussions were confirmed to this reporter by Yisrael Genessia, a member of the board of the cheder.
Many parents of students in the cheder said that they were worried about something along these lines after the board fired the previous principal of the school. Several said that they would withdraw their children if these discussions continue.
With regard to the Talmud Torah in the Neve Yaakov neighborhood of Jerusalem called Beis Rabban, in response to pressure from parents there were rumors that they would withdraw from the State network. However so far there has been no concrete evidence of any such move.