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23 Marcheshvan 5773 - November 8, 2012 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly

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Massive Women's Rally in the Planning Re: Internet

Rabbinical representatives throughout communities in Israel are busy setting up direct broadcasting throughout the country for a massive women's rally planned for motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayishlach. The subject, safeguarding ourselves against technological threats, comes as a response to a call from our gedolei Yisroel via the Council of Community Rabbis, the Ve'idas Rabbonei Hakehillos.

Forms Station Created in Modi'in Illit to Provide Vital Government Services

"This is a tremendous public benefit, a tikkun godol," were the words of HaRav Shteinman, congratulating Rabbi Yaakov Guterman, Mayor of Modi'in Illit, and the representatives of "The Center for Protection Against Technological Hazards" in response to his enabling the residents of the city to receive necessary government forms without having to resort to access to Internet. This will surely avert spiritual stumbling blocks.

Rabbi of Belarus Chosen by 17 Community Members of the United Council of Jewish Kehillos

"With the blessings and encouragement of gedolei haTorah, roshei yeshiva and esteemed rabbis, I hereby humbly assume the cloak of the rabbinate for the State of Belarus, a country which engendered and was home to hundreds of Torah leaders, spiritual giants, Admorim and rabbonim, past and present. I hope to do all that is required to promote, increase and enhance Torah, to establish more institutions of Torah and education, to cohere the communities and to hopefully restore the former glory of this country." These were the words of Rav Tzvi Bichman upon his instatement as chief rabbi of Belarus.

Sharp Rise in Participants of Arachim Kiruv Seminars

The Arachim administration has presented its annual report of activities which shows a pronounced increase of Kiruv seminars for the year 5772. Over 21,100 people participated in over 112 seminars held in Israel and throughout the world of which 17,000 attended 82 seminars throughout Israel alone. These include special seminars in English and Russian, for families and singles.

An Evening of Appreciation by the Shuvu School Network

A festive evening of recognition and tribute was held by the Shuvu network of schools in honor of their guest from the U.S., Rav Aharon Pam, to acknowledge his dedication to this organization founded by his late father, HaRav Avraham Pam. Attending were the administrators of Shuvu and the rabbonim of the schools, headed by director Rabbi Avraham Biderman; Rav Moshe Zilberberg, member of the hanhala ruchanis, and director-general of Shuvu in Israel, Rabbi Chaim Michael Guterman.

The Daas Sofer, HaRav Akiva Sofer, zt"l, of Pressburg
In honor of his Yahrtzeit, 2nd Kislev

"Regal" was the word used by gedolei hador to describe Rabbeinu, the rov of Pressburg. Just like Dovid Hamelech, who was always the king, whether at the height of his rule or as a fugitive on the run, so too Rabbeinu kept his regal bearing and royal manner in both good times and bad.

From Our Archives

Opinion and Comment
Avrohom's Covenant

by Rabbi M. D. Weinstock

Rabbi Shapira, Rabbi of Prachnik, grandson of the holy tzaddik of Bluzhov, was sawing a huge log with his weak hands in the midst of the forest of Janow, to which place the Jews from the ghetto had been herded for forest clearing. He sawed the wood with twisted hands, emaciated arms, his body racked with hunger, to perform a task of "vital importance" in aid of the great victory of the glorious Wehrmacht over its inferior enemy.

Opinion and Comment

Terror Must be Defeated

by Mordecai Plaut

Terror is an approach that is very effective against a weak adversary. It is most successful when used against someone who reacts quickly, without careful thought, and from an overpowering and immediate desire to be saved from its ravages: Give the terrorist what he is asking for, and get on with life. However, it will never end there. Satisfying one demand of a terrorist will only lead to his making more and bigger demands.

The Jews of Bukhara

by C. Ofek

Part II: The Bolsheviks Come to Central Asia "Exile is not good for exiles," says 95-year-old Shulamit Tilayov. "Yet leafing through the annals of the Jews of Bukhara can be a heartbreaking experience. Splendor alongside the great suffering and hardships that would strike mercilessly. Sometimes tranquility would descend upon our lives, then once again the storm waves would come sweeping through, leaving us vulnerable to the blows of a foreign country."

The Power of Character Traits: A Shmuess for Parshas Chayei Soroh

by HaRav Sholom Schwadron, zt'l

The Forgotten Offer Between parshas Chayei Soroh and parshas Bo, (until the parsha, "this month is the beginning of the months for you"), each parshoh affords us contemplation of the behavior of tzaddikim and, conversely, of reshoim. This is all part of the principle that, "He told His people about the power of His deeds" (Tehillim 111:6), as explained in parshas Bereishis. In this parshoh, we witness the greatness of Avrohom Ovinu on the one hand, and the conduct of Efron on the other.

The Transmission of the Torah from Generation to Generation: An Interview with HaRav Zvi Markowitz

by Rav A. Chefetz

Part III This is the third part of an interview with HaRav Tzvi Markowitz that took place before Pesach of last year. HaRav Markowitz is the rosh yeshiva of the Karlin yeshiva, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Degel Hatorah and one of the senior gedolei Torah in Eretz Yisroel.


Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)

May-July, 2005


The Message of an Earthquake

A Mission to Spread Daas Torah

Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit

C an I - Should I?

The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants

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