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25 Tishrei 5773 - October 11, 2012 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Protest at Newspaper Providing Forum for Apikorsus

by Yechiel Sever

Rabbonim and educators warn against the continuing spiritual decline effected by the commercial weeklies, as has found particular expression in a pre-Yom Tov issue of Bakehillah which aired the viewpoints of the secular public. These misguided views expressed their `concern' over the widespread poverty within the chareidi public. The publications all include articles about gedolim in their attempt to appear to be part of the chareidi mainstream. Including objectionable content along with unobjectionable content is the manner whereby these weeklies obfuscate the facts and misrepresent values which are supreme to the Torah world.

In the past, when any of these publications interviewed secular figures, HaRav Eliashiv directed Yated Ne'eman to protest vehemently.

Past and present gedolei Yisroel have already publicly denounced them in a letter publicized in Yated Ne'eman on the 27th of Tishrei, 5769, preceding rallies promoting public awareness designed to oust them from the midst of the chareidi public: "It is imperative to fortify ourselves and warn against the corrupt influence of weekly publications not under rabbinical supervision and the approval of our Torah leadership, which wreak havoc, and may those who comply with this be blessed with much nachas."

This letter was signed by the gedolim: HaRav Eliashiv, HaRav Lefkowitz, HaRav Scheinberg, and HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, all zt"l, along with ylct"a HaRav Nissim Karelitz, HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and HaRav Shmuel Auerbach.

As previously stated in Yated Ne'eman, the rabbonim and educators who, in the past, frequented the home of HaRav Eliashiv, expressed deep concern over the detrimental influence of these publications, even presenting examples of the harm they cause. They sought to hear his direction and counsel on how to prevent their negative outlook from harming the chareidi public. HaRav Eliashiv then stated his opinion that such publications have no right to call themselves `chareidi,' for their very essence totally negates the objective and character of chareidi newspapers which were founded by this past generation's Torah leaders, and whose very mandate for existence is to instill daas Torah and its pure outlook, while those publications not only fail to represent it but rather spread distortion and present undesirable positions, foment dissension, slander and gossip-mongering under their guise of appearing to be chareidi newspapers.

HaRav Eliashiv's words fortified the Torah disseminators of the yeshiva world, including the kollelim, as well as the administrators and teachers in the various Torah schools and seminaries, authorizing them to rouse families regarding the deleterious influence of those publications which infiltrate chareidi homes to cause significant damage and undermine the influence of Torah education being imparted in the various Torah institutions.

Similarly, in a visit dealing with this subject at the home of HaRav Shteinman, Maran the Rosh Yeshiva stated: "Our generation's problems are severe, including that of the Internet, which can bring everything abominable from the street into the home and has claimed many a victim. These communication devices inject harmful views but in the past, whoever wished to be exposed to them, had to go looking for them on the outside. Now, the yetzer hora has access to our homes. In past generations, women had their hands full with housework: laundry alone was a backbreaking chore. Today everything is much easier, performed by merely pressing a button. In olden times, who had time to read newspapers? Today, leisure time increases the danger [of harmful exposure] of worse things. We must know that every downfall begins with a small step, a seemingly negligible breach, beginning with alef that can end with taf. No less! Today he tells you: Do this, and tomorrow? At first, the spiritual decline is small but it accelerates."


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