Intensive Preparation for the Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan World Prayer Day
By Yechiel Sever
In response to the directive from Torah leadership, massive preparations are under way for a universal Day of Prayer on Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, the month when the Torah was given. This day has been designated for Jews everywhere to cry out and arouse Heavenly compassion in view of the persecution aimed against the Torah world through various harsh decrees. Uppermost is the impending threat of army mobilization of yeshiva students, calculated to forcibly eject them from their places of Torah. Also on the prayer agenda is a plea that Heaven halt rampaging disease in our midst and the danger of our enemies from without.
Aside from the above troubles are the drastic budget cuts across the board to educational institutions and the threat of the government intervening in their study curriculums and forcibly introducing educational agendas contrary to the pure chinuch which has been handed down to us by our Torah leaders through the ages.