Following a series of European court rulings on human rights in Strassburg focusing specifically on religious workers which resulted in confusion, the Committee for Equal Rights in Great Britain has publicized a document with guidelines for employers regarding the rights of their various employees, among them Jews.
According to these guidelines, Jewish workers are to be allowed to leave work earlier on Fridays so as not to desecrate their Sabbath. This also stated that in general, religious workers are to be allowed to wear religious symbols such as headcoverings, and to grow beards. They will also be permitted to distribute religious flyers but not to attempt to proselytize in a threatening, provocative or hostile manner.
The document, published in The Guardian, presents examples to demonstrate how one must honor the rights of workers at the workplace. Vegetarians will be permitted to refuse to clean the office refrigerator which may contain leftovers from animal produce. "Workers have the right to discuss their religious beliefs in the workplace and their employers may not prevent them from doing so," it stated, under the heading, "Religion or Belief."