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Rabbonim Warn Against Chilul Shabbos Caused by Digital Water
Meters Gedolei Yisroel are issuing a call to
put a halt to chilul Shabbos in the form digital water meters
installed by the utility company or the municipality, as the case may be.
With these new meters, every time the tap is turned on, it creates an
electrical impulse and feeds water consumption data into a computer.
"We will reject out of hand any attempt to talk about splitting Beit Shemesh
into two cities. We will not meet with anyone about this issue, and we will
not discuss it. This subject must be taken off the agenda."
A large meeting of mechanchim took place
in Jerusalem during the first week of Nisan this year, organized by the
deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Yitzchok Pindrus.
Rosh Hayeshiva HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman shlita sent a special
letter to the gathering.
The prediction of the Central Bureau of
Statistics (CBS) is that in 47 years there will be a larger proportion of
chareidim and Arabs, and also the population will age. Israel's total
population is expected to reach 15.6 million souls.
The number of Jews in the U.S. now comes
to just under six and a half million (6,401,000), of which only 4,223,000
are Jews according to halacha. In other words, 2.2 million people who
consider themselves Jewish are not Jewish according to halacha, as a result
of the alarming intermarriage rate caused primarily by the Reform and
Conservative movements.
Collective tefillos continue to be
said at bein hazmanim yeshivas and kollelim for the full
recovery of Rabbenu Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Mousha Eliashiv shlita,
who remains in critical condition and is in need of great rachmei
As the chagim and summer approach, Beis
Din Mishmar HaTorah LeInyonei Tznius, presided over by maranan poskei hador
shlita, has asked that this letter be publicized again.
The shameful proposal passed by the
Herzliya Municipality to have buses operate on Shabbos Kodesh remains on the
public agenda in the city. Reactions in the secular city are fierce and
merchants and bus drivers have voiced anger and frustration over the
populist decision, which not only tramples over the sanctity of Shabbos, but
also violates basic workers' rights, depriving them of the only rest day.
Heart-rending scenes and thousands of
stunned mourners were part of the sorrowful levaya for the father and five
children of the Shaer family who perished when their Rechovot home went up
in flames. The funeral-goers were shaken by the depth of the tragedy that
took the lives of an entire family in minutes, leaving only the bereaved
mother alive.
In London rabbonim are warning against a
scam against fundraisers from Israel. According to a recent report, an
avreich from Eretz Yisroel who flew to London to raise money for his
sick father was robbed by someone posing as a driver for fundraising.
According to a witness, after the "driver" won the avreich's
confidence he "agreed" to help him obtain addresses of Torah supporters and
to transfer the money raised. Instead the driver disappeared with the
As of April 4 (12 Nisan) 625 millimeters
of rain had fallen in the Jerusalem area during the current season (August 1
to date). This represents 121% of the average rainfall for this period and
116% of the average rainfall for the entire season in the Jerusalem area
which is 537 mm.
From Our Archives
Rosh Chodesh Nisan 5762. As the sun begins its descent below the horizon, a
crowd gathers at Motza. A common goal unites them; they all hope to draw
spring water at bein hashmoshos. When the hands of the watch testify that
the time is coming closer, things start to bustle as people jockey for a
position so that they can draw water at the exact time. The anticipated
moment arrives and dusk is illuminated with the excitement of mitzvos.
In the first part of this essay about the very important topic of sholom
bayis HaRav Scheinberg noted that generally a couple starts out compatible
and together, but later breaks apart. The long and intimate contact of
married life brings out frictions that were not visible previously.
The large house, which bustled with life, vitality, chatter, frays, elbow
rubbing and smiles, had emptied.
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Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants