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HaRav Shteinman Explains the Most Common Problem in Shidduchim
In the Pesach edition of the Musaf Shabbos Kodesh of the Hebrew edition of the Yated Ne'eman, on the theme of being a Rov, there was an interview with HaRav Shteinman about the topic. In response to one of the questions, HaRav Shteinman took the opportunity to deliver his opinion on the topic of shidduchim. Here it is.
"How Can One Say `Asher Bochar Bonu' While Embracing the War Weapons of the Enemies of Torah and Jewry"
by Yechiel Sever
Special gatherings were held all over the country for general chizuk with particular attention to the destructive effects of modern technology. One of these was held in Ramot at the Mishkan Shraga beis medrash at the yeshiva bein hazmanim held there.
Public Prayers for the Recovery of Maran HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv shlita Still in Full Force
by Yechiel Sever
On Tuesday 25 Nisan there was a chizuk rally and public prayer gathering in the beis medrash of Maran shlita. With the full support of our leading gedolei Yisroel, prayers continue to be said throughout the Jewish world for the recovery of Maran HaRav Yosef Shalom ben Chaya Musha Eliashiv shlita, as in these very days the top medical specialists and devoted staff of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center undertake renewed supreme efforts in trying to significantly improve his condition which is still defined as critical, and there is definite need to pray and seek heavenly mercy for the success of these attempts, for his sake and the benefit of all Klal Yisroel.
198,000 Thousand Holocaust Survivors Living Today in Israel
by G Leizer
A study released yesterday shows that some 198,000 Holocaust survivors are living in Israel today. In this past year, 12,000 died. Every hour, at least one more survivor is no longer alive.
The Precinct of the Rambam's Grave to be Renovated at the Cost of Millions of Dollars
by Yechiel Sever
The entire compound of the Rambam's gravesite will soon be undergoing reconstruction at a cost of millions of dollars.
Rain and Kinneret Watch
by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff
As of April 19 (27 Nisan) 625 millimeters
of rain had fallen in the Jerusalem area during the current season (August 1
to date). This represents 121% of the average rainfall for this period and
116% of the average rainfall for the entire season in the Jerusalem area
which is 537 mm.
The Pri Megodim - HaRav Yosef Teumim zt"l
Rabbeinu Yosef Teumim was born in the year 5487 (1727) in the village of Steritch, close to Lemberg, where his father R' Meir zt"l was maggid. The son followed in his father's ways and later he became a moreh tzedek and maggid there.
From Our Archives |
Where is the Incipient Palestinian State?
By Mordecai Plaut
Written ten years ago, but could be written today...
If the Palestinians are struggling to found a state of their own, they have given no indication of this. Aside from foreign language press interviews, none of their words and deeds is consistent with such a goal.
Opinion and Comment
Two Opposites That Cannot Dwell Together In One Place
by A. Weiss
Seven hundred years have passed since Aba Mori Hayarchi of Lunil in southern France turned to the gedolei hador with the request that they join his battle against the tendency of many worthy Jews from Provence towards secular studies. Some of his contemporaries had become convinced of the possibility of combining the study of foreign wisdoms and philosophies with Torah study. The gedolim considered this approach a real danger for the continuation of Torah studies and fought it tooth and nail.
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
Message of an Earthquake
Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
an I - Should I?
Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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