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MK Rabbi Gafni Meets With Food Processors to Lower Food Prices
By M. Green
"Every tax reduction of raw products will be transmitted directly to the consumer," Dan Propper, chairman of Osem, promised the chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee. Rabbi Moshe Gafni met with him and the company's CEO in the context of a series of tours which Rabbi Gafni has scheduled with the heads of the leading food companies in order to explore the possibilities of lowering food prices for the consumer and getting help from the companies to formulate relevant legislation that will help the public.
Kiryat Ono: Six Sifrei Torah Consumed by Fire in Two Batei Knesses Which Were Totally Destroyed on Shabbos 5th of Sivan
By L. S. Wasserman
Six sifrei Torah were burned in a fire that gutted two shuls in Kiryat Ono on the Shabbos before Shavuos.
On Fanaticism and Extremism, "Chareidi Pioneers" and "New Chareidim"
The Editorial Board of Yated Ne'eman
The government declarations and greetings made in honor of Yom Haatzmaut included the familiar motifs. The Prime Minister said that he was proud that Israel has a "strong army", and wished Israeli citizens "enjoyable entertainment upon the various stages, together with the plastic hammers and frothy sprays," noting that "I, too, will celebrate with a barbecue, our national `sport'!"
Some people in our midst ask, with real or apparent naivete: What's the big deal? What really is the difference? What are the basic points of contention between the New Chareidim and the authentic, original Chareidim?
Some of them, seeking to deflect criticism, ask with venomous demagoguery, "Do you wish to say that whoever joins the work force automatically becomes a New Chareidi?"
R' Avrohom Ben Avrohom, Hy"d Graf Potocki, the Ger Tzedek of Vilna
In honor of his yahrtzeit, 2nd day Shavuos
One of the greatest stories of Jewish strength and endurance that has been passed from mouth to ear down the generations is undoubtedly that of the heroic conversion to Judaism and subsequent burning at the stake of the Ger Tzedek of Vilna.
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No Psalms in Israel
by Jonathan Rosenblum
Remember the intensive ad campaign: "Say Tehillim -- for the Soul" that blanketed the country at the beginning of the Jewish year? Ever wonder what happened to the catchy jingle proclaiming the power of Psalms to bring "more happiness -- to you, to your family, to all of us?"
Opinion and Comment
Thank You for the Torah
by Mordecai Plaut
Thank you Hashem.
We thank you Hashem for Mattan Torah on that first Shavuos, for bringing us to the foot of Mount Sinai where we were truly one, "as one man with one heart." We are grateful for the unforgettable experience that day -- when the whole creation received the first two Commandments directly -- which all of us, who were immediately present in spirit, recall at least subliminally to this day and forever. Individually and as a nation we met our Maker in this world and received from Him the wisdom that accompanies us through the ages until the final Redemption and beyond.
Identified Call
by Yochonon Dovid
The shmuess with the group of new students in the yeshiva came to its conclusion. The boys left the room and went back to the main study hall. Only Yaron seemed to be lingering and it was obvious that he wished to be alone with the Rov. Yaron had progressed slowly as far as integrating into the yeshiva world, but he was a talented boy who was determined to understand everything fundamentally. The Rov turned his attention to him at once and soon they were sitting across from one another, with the Rov urging Yaron to say what was on his mind.
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
Message of an Earthquake
Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
an I - Should I?
Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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