To the Communal Rabbonim gathered in the home of the Devotee
of Hashem and the Friend of all of Jewry, HaRav Chaim
Kanievsky shlita
It is surely known to all that the use of Internet has
created severe problems, both in interpersonal relations and
the relationship bein Adam laMokom, and felled many victims,
all of which can be blamed on the Internet. Action must be
taken to protect those who have not been harmed, and since
this relates to almost every home and family and individual,
each one must rally to protect himself. We must come
together to protect and defend ourselves. We hope that by
generating awareness for safeguards, we will merit heavenly
assistance to save many. May it be His will that we succeed
in arousing the public not to stumble over this obstacle.
May Hashem guide us along the true path and may this merit
stand us in good stead for the Yom HaDin.
May the One Who suspends the world in the merit of
containment bless us with a kesiva vechasima tovah.
A. L. Shteinman
22 Elul 5772