by HaRav Yosef Efrati
BS"D 25 Sivan, Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Shlach, 5772
1] HaRav S. Rabinowitz asked if according to the opinion of Maran HaRav Y. S. Eliashiv shlita it would be allowed to walk through a Magnetometer at the gate of the Kosel Plaza on Shabbos Kodesh, where the threshold of warning will be adjusted so that a person who is wearing a reasonable amount of metal (belt buckle, watch, keys, glasses, etc.) would be able to pass through the gate and the warning mechanism (detector) will not function.
2] As was published, if the abovementioned condition is fully fulfilled, then according to my humble opinion according to HaRav Eliashiv shlita's opinion it is permissible to walk through such a gate, as explained in Yissa Yosef (part 3, siman 89): "In such circumstances it is permissible to walk through the gate on condition that the gates operate according to the principles explained previously."
3] Based on tests conducted in recent days, it was found that the new gates do not operate according to these principles. Therefore one should not walk on Shabbos Kodesh through those gates unless it is certain that the one going through has no metal whatsoever on his body or in the things carried.
4] Therefore the Kosel Heritage Foundation has announced that it is putting back the previous gates, until the new gates can be arranged to operate according to the halochoh.
According to the opinion of Maran HaRav Eliashiv shlita whoever has even a small amount of metal on his body is not allowed to walk through those gates and should ask for a manual inspection.