Ministry of Education Refuses to Approve Additional Places in Special Education for Chareidim
By Yechiel Sever
An outrage: the Ministry of Education refuses to approve any further educational places for the special children in the chareidi sector about to enter the first grade.
Throughout the cities of Israel, there are about a thousand children in special education from the chareidi sector about to start elementary school. In Jerusalem, for example, municipal statistics show that ninety such children should be entering the first grade this school year, while there are actually only two classes geared for their special needs — which call for a maximum of twelve children per class according to the standards of the Education Ministry. What about all the others?
It is important to stress that these are children, all of whom have already been accepted into the system through the existing structure of special education, and who have passed through all the mandatory government evaluation committees. Nevertheless, the Education Ministry requires their parents to enroll them in the regular school system and incorporate them within standard classes of up to thirty children each.