BeH"y 24 Iyar, 5772
To Our Brethren of All Israel Wherever They Be: May the Pleasantness of Hashem be Upon You
The Internet is the yetzer of Avoda Zorah and Giluy Arayos in our generation and it is a source of great destruction of Israel. It has felled many victims unto the deepest nether world R"l, and there is no home in which the instruments of the Internet are present and they did not stumble over very serious sins. Entire families and homes that were filled with goodness were destroyed by this Rachmono litzlan, and all are obligated to find a method and to assemble together to determine how to slaughter this yetzer hora. Therefore the great rabbis of America are doing the right thing in arranging for a great asifa in which tens of thousands of yereim and shleimim will participate, to find methods to correct this wrong thing. Certainly all those who participate and who help in this holy project will merit nachas from all their descendants and will merit to be saved from the yetzer hora and from all manner of bad things.
And it is clear and evident that to use that treif instrument without and barriers and blocks cannot be justified under any circumstances, not by the need for parnossoh or any other hetter, because this instrument has felled thousands of bnei Torah, R"l, to the deep pit. However to use a kosher Internet requires a ruling of a Chacham and limits. [And with Hashem's help they will arrange, in time, a kosher Internet if they try hard and there is siyata deShmaya and it is obligatory to try to do this.]
He who writes and signs for this great mitzvah,
Chaim Kanievsky
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