Chareidi Affirmative Action Proposal Rejected
By Eliezer Rauchberger
Another attempt to amend the law and to provide corrective
preferential treatment for chareidi job-seekers fell short this week
in the Knesset plenum when the coalition and opposition united to
stymie the effort by United Torah Judaism representatives.
The Knesset plenum passed in a first reading a law that would enable
affirmative action in Civil Service and municipal hiring for
candidates of Ethiopian background. Past affirmative action programs
established provisions for Arabs, Druse, Circassians and women.
According to the proposal approved by a majority of Knesset members
with no opponents, when the number of people with the same
qualifications and work experience apply for a job, and among the
applicants is an Ethiopian, he must be given preferential hiring
consideration to bring about fair representation of the Ethiopian
community. Similar enactments provide this treatment for Arabs, Druse,
Circassians and women.