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Giants Stadium to Host Central Daf Yomi Siyum HaShas Next Year
To mark the completion of the 12th Daf Yomi cycle a massive siyum will be held one year from now, on the 13th of Av 5772, at Giants Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. The site may be the largest venue to ever host a Shas siyum.
According to the weekly Mercaz HaInyanim, the famous esrog tree of HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz zt"l, that grows in the courtyard of his modest house in Bnei Brak, has stopped giving fruit this year after the passing of its owner, one of the gedolim of the generation.
The City of Jerusalem has approved the construction of a 1-acre parking lot for visitors coming to the grave site of Shimon Hatzaddik to pray. The project's backers, including the site director from the National Center for the Development of Holy Sites, plan to pave roads that provide better access and to remove the storage containers placed there by a Palestinian man who claims he owns the area.
The price supervisor at the Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development, Uri Tzuk Bar, sent out letters on Sunday to dairies and food retailers regarding complaints to the Agricultural Ministry and Trade and Industry Ministry that various food stores charge more for milk with special kashrus supervision.
The Netziv was born in 5577 (1817) in the city of Mir. As a small child he was not too successful in his learning and his poverty-stricken parents considered dismissing his melamed and sending their Naftoli Zvi Yehuda to learn a trade or skill. However, Hirsch Leib, as he was lovingly called, broke into tears and begged his parents to allow him one more year with the melamed. It was in this year of grace that he rose to a high madreigoh.
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