Yosef Sholom Eliashiv
BS"D, 24 Sivan 5771
To All Roshei Hayeshiva Hageonim shlita and Rabbonim Geonim shlita,
In light of the confusion in the chareidi public regarding the prohibition against Anisakis worms found in fish, I hereby reiterate my opinion that this is prohibited and therefore the roshei yeshiva and rabbonim should inform their members and followers and encourage them to voice their opposition to those people (including kashrus authorities) who undermine the Nation through devious means and should demand that they put a stop to their propaganda in this direction. May the religion be restored to its pedestal and may respect for rabbinical directives return to its proper place.
With Torah Blessings,
Yosef Sholom Eliashiv