Jewish Quarter residents eagerly received Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv when he visited Churvas Rebbe Yehuda Hachossid Synagogue ("the Churvah") in the Jewish Quarter on the first day of Chol Hamoed.
HaRav Eliashiv, who comes to the Kosel Maarovi every Pesach and Succos as a remembrance of aliyah leregel, expressed a desire to pay a visit to the shul on the way to the Kosel, in part to show his support for the recently rebuilt beis knesses after he was unable to attend the official rededication ceremony three weeks ago.
On very short notice the gabboim and organizers of the shul arranged to have marbitzei Torah, rabbonim and a large tzibbur on hand to greet him upon arrival.
Upon stepping inside Maran appeared to be taken aback at the sight of the synagogue restored to its former glory. Built by R' Yehuda Hachossid over 400 years ago, the ancient synagogue served as the place of prayer for some of Jerusalem's leading rabbonim over the generations. Maran was received by an enormous burst of song — "Yomim Al Yemei Melech Tosif" and "Ki orech Yomim" — and then proceeded to tour the sanctuary. When he reached the Aron Hakodesh chapters of Tehillim related to festivals were recited with great fervor, followed by song and prayer expressing the hopes Beis Hamikdosh will soon be rebuilt.
Maran then blessed the figures in charge of the shul for success in upholding the sanctity of the site as a place of Torah, prayer and spiritual inspiration as in years past, and not as a tourist attraction.
During Chol Hamoed, shiurim and Mussar talks were given by prominent roshei yeshivos and rabbonim before audiences numbering in the hundreds. A number of other gedolei Torah, roshei yeshiva and admorim also visited the shul during Pesach.