Excellence Nessuah Targets Chareidi Sector
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
Excellence Nessuah, Israel's third-largest investment company which manages more than NIS 50 billion in financial assets, has entered the chareidi sector after the Eidoh Chareidis approved selected investment funds as being suitable for purchase. Additional funds are slated to join the list in the near future.
Israel's top investment firms attach much importance to the chareidi sector's purchasing power, but the area of investments was given a boost only in the past year, and now Excellence has joined the handful of companies offering attractive kosher investment options.
"For a while we've been alert to the fact that the chareidi public is a very important investor," said Tal Bruckman, vice president of business development. "Like in every household, chareidi families also save their money to help out their children and to manage the family's needs. I think smart financial management is advantageous for every family. In light of the market increases in 2009 and the recovery from the financial crisis, the public's involvement in the local capital market is rising. At Excellence Trust Funds we view the chareidi public as our customers and place at their disposal investment tools through trust funds with relatively limited risks through tracks overseen by the Eida Chareidis. Excellence Trust Funds is among the largest firms in the trust funds industry, and is under the direct supervision of the Israel Securities Authority."