A crowd of thousands, including many baalei teshuvoh,
gedolei Torah, roshei yeshivos and rabbonim
took part in the levaya for HaRav Noach Weinberg zt"l,
rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem's Old City
and a pioneering figure in the Teshuvoh Movement, who passed
away on Thursday, 11 Shevat, at the age of 79.
Noach Weinberg was born in New York to HaRav Yitzchok
Mattisyohu Weinberg of the illustrious Weinberg family of
Slonim admorim and the great-grandson of the Yesod
His father passed away when Noach was only 14. The young man
then joined Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, then under HaRav
Yitzchok Hutner zt"l. Later he transferred to Yeshivas
Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, under the leadership of his uncle,
HaRav Yaakov Weinberg, the son-in-law of HaRav Yaakov
Ruderman, one of the great marbitzei Torah in the US
and a leading member of Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of
In 5713 (1953) R' Noach went to Jerusalem to join a group of
students at Yeshivas Mir led by the rosh yeshiva, HaRav
Eliezer Yehuda Finkel zt"l. Mir alumni recall his
tremendous hasmodoh. At the yeshiva he formed bonds
with leading Torah figures in Jerusalem who joined the
illustrious yeshiva soon after the destruction of the prewar
centers of Torah in Europe.
During this period, the rising Torah scholar grew closer to
HaRav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel and began to feel a burning
desire to ameliorate the spiritual state of Klal Yisroel. His
bold projects took many people by surprise, but failed to get
off the ground. He tried again and again until he started
Yeshivas Aish HaTorah 37 years ago with two students.
He was the first person to advance the idea of establishing a
special outreach yeshiva and was among the initial founders
of Yeshivas Ohr Somayach, then housed in the Yeshivas Beis
Yosef-Novardok building. He also founded and ran a small
outreach institution in Givat Harokeach in Bnei Brak. Later a
yeshiva was founded in Mevasseret Yerushalayim, but was
disbanded following the Six-Day War due to budget
Through persistence, tzidkus, yiras Shomayim,
inner strengths forged in his father's home and the teachings
inculcated in him by the heads of leading yeshivas he
managed, b'ezras Hashem, to bring Yiddishkeit to every
part of the world. Today Aish HaTorah has 40 branches as well
as projects in various cities on five continents.
The levaya set out from Beis Medrash Ahavas Torah in
Jerusalem, where he prayed regularly for many years.
Hespeidim were delivered by HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman,
rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Rashbi, HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch,
rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Slobodka, HaRav Avigdor Neventzal,
the rov of the Old City, HaRav Chaim Uri Freund, one of the
roshei yeshiva of yeshivas Aish HaTorah who traces his
friendship with the niftar back to their days at
Yeshivas Mir, HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, rosh yeshiva of
Yeshivas Yad Aharon, HaRav Yitzchok Berkowits, formerly the
menahel ruchani at Aish HaTorah and currently a
rosh kollel in Jerusalem, HaRav Chaim Feinstein, rosh
yeshiva of Yeshivas Beis Yehuda, the deceased's two sons,
HaRav Yosef Hillel and HaRav Simchoh Shay, and his son-in-
law, HaRav Asher Deutsch.
They spoke of his deep concern and compassion for Klal
Yisroel, his infectious enthusiasm for Yiddishkeit, the
tremendous impact he had for generations to come, sleeping
just 3-4 hours a day, his creative endeavors, his strong
leadership and his genius in Torah learning and understanding
of human nature.
When the procession set out from Beis Medrash Ahavas Torah,
many of his talmidim did kriyoh and wept
bitterly. Following hakofos in accordance with
minhag Yerushalayim he was buried after sunset at Har
Hamenuchos Cemetery.
HaRav Noach Weinberg zt"l is survived by his wife,
children, grandchildren and many thousands of students all
over the world who owe him their spiritual lives. His family
and his students who follow his path of derech Hashem
are his greatest memorial.
Related articles:
About his brother, HaRav Yaakov Weinberg Part I:
About his brother, HaRav Yaakov Weinberg Part II:
About his sister, Rebbitzen Channah Pincus: