Hebrew U. Cancelled Tender for Two Buildings in Kiryat Yovel After Chareidi Group was Poised to Win
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has cancelled for the second time a tender issued for the sale of two buildings it owns on Rechov Stern in Jerusalem's Kiryat Yovel neighborhood, apparently to prevent chareidim from moving into the buildings. Secular figures called the move a "victory." The chareidi group that submitted a bid for an enormous sum plans to file a claim against the university and request a court order to prevent the university from canceling the tender.
A writer for the San Francisco Chronicle recently visited Damascus in search of the remnants of the local Jewish community.
He spoke with Albert Kamao, 68, a retired tailor and president of the Jewish community, which has an estimated 200 members. Though most of his friends and relatives have left, he says he will never leave Syria. "My family has always been here," says Kamao. "It's important for us to stay here to preserve our heritage."
Local authorities will now cover the costs of electricity and water as well as cleaning, janitorial, secretarial and phone services at "recognized-but-unofficial" institutions, namely Chinuch Atzmai and Maayan Hachinuch Hatorani schools, after the Knesset passed a law sponsored by MKs Rabbi Moshe Gafni, Rabbi Uri Maklev and Rabbi Menachem Eliezer Mozes.
In Jerusalem's Kiryat Yovel neighborhood bnei Torah congregations were allocated sites for use as botei knesses following prolonged, arduous legal battles.
Random checks of men's suits purchased abroad have shown that many have mixtures of wool and linen. The Laboratory for Shatnez Prevention, under Eida Chareidis supervision, found forbidden mixtures in suits purchased in various areas.
Following the tragic death of three-year-old Rachel Sofer, who fell into an open manhole that had poisonous gas in it from decaying organic matter in Jerusalem's Ramat Eshkol neighborhood near a playground, Beterem is calling on local authorities to maximize child safety regulations.
Prominent roshei yeshivos and gedolei Torah were on hand last week in Bnei Brak for the annual gathering of Mifal HaShas Haolami, extending encouragement for the thousands of ameilei Torah taking part in the noble program.
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