Gedolei Yisroel shlita voiced their staunch opposition
to Merkaz Rabbanei Eretz Yisroel, noting it poses a dire
threat to the conceptual and halachic independence of
rabbonim in Israel and could herald a takeover attempt that
would foist certain opinions on all rabbonim and the entire
public in Israel.
A short time ago Sephardic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar founded
and became president of an organization called Merkaz
Rabbanei Eretz Yisroel, which seeks to unite all rabbis in
Israel. The aim of the organization is to serve as a supreme
rabbinical body in the State of Israel and it threatens to
place itself in a position to determine halacha and
hashkofoh in every area for the entire public,
including kashrus, mikvehs, conversion, etc.
Letters sent to all rabbonim in Israel intended to persuade
them to join the organization listed the names of prominent
rabbonim supposedly slated to serve on the presidential board
without first seeking their consent.
Many rabbonim, including prominent rabbonim, declined to join
whereas others have joined the new organization, which
ostensibly seeks to uphold the Torah and the rabbinate
without any ulterior motives. Others joined because they were
concerned they might be targeted if they refused.
Maranan verabonon have issued strident warnings that
the organization is an attempt by certain rabbinical figures
to aggrandize themselves and crown themselves as deciders of
various Torah issues that periodically come on the agenda.
They noted that 20 years ago Maran HaRav Shach zt"l
firmly opposed any attempt to set up an organization of
rabbonim, saying it would be liable to intervene in public
affairs, determine halacha and state opinions, and try to run
Torah life in Israel in place of gedolei Yisroel. In a
letter published in Teves 5748 (1988) he wrote, "In my
opinion it is forbidden to set up any union of rabbonim under
any name, and what has already been done should be
Maranan verabonon said ruling on halachic matters and
determining hashkofoh is in the hands of gedolei
hador and the leading poskim, who set the path for
the machaneh and decide every matter for Am Yisroel.
They also called on rabbonim who are loyal to daas
Torah to withdraw their support for the organization and
cancel their membership.