Chareidi School Enrollment Rose More than 50 Percent in Past Decade
The chareidi school system has grown by 51 percent — in contrast to a substantial decline in the government education system — according to Education Ministry figures appearing in a report by an independent research institute released this week to coincide with the opening of the 5770 school year.
Torah-true Jewry has shown widespread support for the avreich who sustained severe injuries in Jerusalem on Shabbos night when he was run over in the presence of police — and according to eyewitnesses, based on orders by a police officer — following a demonstration over the opening of the Karta parking lot on Shabbos.
Rabbonim and tashmishei kedushoh experts are warning the general public to be wary when purchasing Moroccan shofars manufactured abroad, even if they bear some sort of kashrus certification, after it was found that supervising the process is infeasible.
A 70-year-old Jewish woman living in a Parisian suburb says she doesn't want her neighbors to know she's Jewish. Why? "Besides the fact that there are antisemites living in my wing of the building," she told a reporter from Journal du Dimanche, "if they found out I filed a request for the restoration of property stolen from my parents under the Vichy regime, they'll again say the Jews are addicted to money."
The Jerusalem Municipality has decided to ban private vehicles from entering the Old City. Only commercial and emergency vehicles will be allowed access, and special permits will be issued to residents, while visitors will have to use shuttles from the surrounding parking lots.
Man — The Center of the Universe
Part II
The Shloh says that the simonim of Rosh Hashonoh do not have any absolute reference. Their entire purpose is to awaken us to teshuvoh. The simonim in and of themselves mean nothing at all, and everything is dependent upon man himself. The author added that when a Jew sees the simonim on his table he can interpret them in either a beneficial or a harmful way. This is actually our own situation on Rosh Hashanah: it can be interpreted in the same two ways and it is our task to pick the right one.
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The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants