Hundreds Gather in Preparation for Perek Eizehu Neshech
by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff
Seventeen introductory shiurim, organized by Agudath Israel of America's Daf Yomi Commission, were delivered across the United States and Canada to prepare the lomdei hadaf for Eizehu Neshech, the fifth perek of Bava Metzia, whose study begins on Wednesday 2 Tammuz/June 24th.
During the previous cycle of Daf Yomi, similar shiurim were offered in five locations and were welcomed by lomdim there. The increase in locations this cycle is testimony to the ongoing growth, b"H, of Daf Yomi learning, and the tireless work of the Daf Yomi commission, which is dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. Elly and Brochie Kleinman in memory of their fathers.
The shiurim varied in style and emphasis, but they had in common the mission of introducing and expounding on the complex and challenging concepts contained in the topic of interest, the main topic of perek Eizehu Neshech.