"We had the golden period of Rabbenu Hagodol. My father and
teacher zt"l said Am Yisroel has not had such a leader
for many generations, and I heard the same thing said by
Rabban Shel Kol Bnei HaGoloh Maran HaRav Eliashiv
shlita. I heard this from both of them on several
occasions," said HaRav Shmuel Auerbach during an enormous
gathering in Bnei Brak on Motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayeiro to
mark the seventh yahrtzeit of HaRav Shach
"The yeshiva world is in danger. Efforts are being made to
constrict bnei Torah. Every effort is being made to
make them unable to learn. A yeshiva is a holy entity. Since
the days of our forefathers the yeshiva has always been in
existence. It must be kept in mind what a yeshiva is, what
this concept is that obligates us as a public and as
individuals. Rabbenu Hagodol was extremely vigilant and we
must continue safeguarding it with all our strength."
HaRav Auerbach added that the world is full of confusion and
distractions, yet we have an obligation to stay on the
straight path, especially during this period of material
problems for avreichim when many trying to limit Torah
learning. Our sole obligation is to reinforce the number of
`soldiers' in the yeshivas and the kollelim and not to
get caught up by various suggestions intended to diminish
Torah in quality and quantity.
"The yeshivas have to be preserved just as Rabbenu Hagodol
entrenched them, learning with toil and depth, not losing any
aspect — neither pshat nor sevoro.
"Once somebody asked Avi mori gaon Yisroel regarding a
certain directive Rabbenu Hagodol zt"l had issued. My
father got very angry and told him that despite everything we
know about Maran and his achievements and the strength of his
decisions and approach, more of him remains hidden than
revealed, and he is considered a tzaddik nistar.
"That obligates us, too, when it comes to the path he laid
and safeguarded. Don't pretend to be wise because you don't
know the depth of his [words and thinking]."
The enormous gathering was held at Beis Medrash Talmidei
Yeshiva Ponovezh Letzei'irim with maranan verabonon on
hand along with thousands of listeners. HaRav Auerbach's talk
was followed by speeches given by HaRav Tzvi Bergman and
HaRav Mattisyohu Salomon.