Advertisers Banned from Rashbi Gravesite in Meron
Four hundred thousand people gathered at a single site for a limited period of time is every advertiser's dream. R' Shimon Bar Yochai's gravesite — the second most visited tourist site in Israel — certainly had every reason to turn into a hotspot for marketers. A marketing opportunity that comes around just once a year.
Jewish out-migration is on the rise in Malmo, Sweden's third largest city. One-third of the southern port city are Muslims, forming a population group that has created a considerable challenge due to their reluctance to integrate and adopt local norms. In Stockholm, Sweden's largest city, the population is 20% Muslim.
Twenty candidates for the Anti-Zionist Party met to launch their campaign for the European Parliament elections scheduled for June 7th. The meeting was held at Theatre de le Main d'Or (Gold Hand Theater), a private performance hall located in an Arab section of Paris and owned by the head of the party, antisemitic comedian Mbala Mbala Dieudonne.
Various Christian evangelical groups operating in Eretz Yisroel have taken on a more aggressive approach lately, openly revealing their intentions in some cases and not shying away from predominantly chareidi neighborhoods.
Following prolonged efforts by Beit Shemesh Deputy Mayor Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg a bus station will be set up near the gravesite of Dan, the son of Yaakov Ovinu, located along the road between Shimshon Junction and Nachshon Junction outside the city.
A Yad Sarah van used to transport handicapped people was stolen from Jerusalem's Kiryat Yovel neighborhood recently. Equipped with a wheelchair mini-elevator and various harnessing and safety features, the specialized transport vehicle, known as a Nachonit in Hebrew, is valued at NIS 280,000 ($70,000), which was raised through donations.
Many vacationers carry on Shabbos at hotels and other vacation spots that lack an eruv simply because they are unaware of the problem, revealed an investigative report published in Yated Ne'eman.
Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz on Education
Part 2: Fundamental Lessons from the Griz and HaRav Shach
The first gathering sponsored by the new Merkaz Chinuch (see article Mercaz Chinuch Founding Ceremony at HaRav Eliashiv's Home) was held at the Zeirei Agudas Yisroel (ZAI) shul Divrei Shir in Bnei Brak at the end of Nisan, 5769. The Pagan Roots of Modern Thought
Part 6
Abstract: Modern intellectuals, especially those who base their world view upon science, pride themselves on being totally separate from the sphere of religion. They believe their view of the world to be based on empirical data and built up with reason alone, leaving them entirely distinct from all religion. This pride is unfounded. In fact their approach and conclusions are grounded in one of the major old- time religions, namely, paganism.
Modern-Day Remnants of Shabsai Tzvi Followers
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants