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Talmud Torah Principals Back HaRav Eliashiv's Call Not to Introduce Any Changes
By Yechiel Sever
The Torah-true world is standing firmly behind instructions Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv shlita reiterated Erev Shavuos not to accede to repeated financial enticements and other incentives used to persuade principals to introduce various changes in the way things have been run in the past. One of the recent goals of the government officials has been to persuade the schools to alter their status from "exempt" (pottur) to "recognized but unofficial" (mukkar she'eino rishmi).
MK Rabbi Gafni Condemns High Court Decision to Fund Reform Conversion Programs
By Eliezer Rauchberger
"Proponents of pluralism are sonei Yisroel," said MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni in an attack on Reform and Conservative conversion activists during a meeting of the Knesset Immigrant Absorption Committee held following a scandalous High Court ruling forcing the State to fund "conversion" preparation studies at Reform schools and institutes. "Even the Beer Drinkers' Club has certain acceptance criteria, while they have no criteria at all. Some Reform rabbi in New York can come along and decide somebody standing on some rooftop in Los Angeles is a Jew."
Bezeq Offers Kosher Land Line Solutions
By Yechiel Sever
Following requests by parents and initiatives by rabbonim Bezeq has now made available the first home phone line adapted to accommodate the needs of observant families, under the oversight of Vaadat HaRabbonim LeInyonei Tikshoret.
Cornerstone-Laying Ceremony for Magen Halev in Ashdod
By Yechiel Sever
A cornerstone ceremony was held in Ashdod's Rova Gimmel neighborhood for a school complex to be built and manned by Magen Halev in order to provide for the needs of special education students from Ashdod and other parts of the Coastal and Southern Regions.
HaRav Menachem Meir Zioni zt"l
By S. Bruchi
Thousands of Bnei Brak residents led by HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz and HaRav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, roshei yeshivos, dayonim and rabbonim turned out Motzei Shabbos Parshas Nosso to lay to rest HaRav Menachem Meir Zioni zt"l, av beis din of Tel Aviv, who passed away following an illness at the age of 92.
The Prerequisite for Matan Torah: Doing Before Hearing
by HaRav Yechezkel Taub
Part 2
"A mitzvah induces another mitzvah and an aveiroh induces another aveiroh, since the reward of a mitzvah is another mitzvah while the reward of an aveiroh is another aveiroh" (Ovos 4:2). It seems from the Mishnah that a person whose neshomoh has not been sullied by cheit and has remained pure as when it was initially created by the Creator, cannot possibly be so blind as to sin. How can such a person not see the truth?
Modern-Day Remnants of Shabsai Tzvi Followers
By Chaim Feldman
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
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