Agriculture Minister to Renew Vegetable Imports for
Shomrei Shevi'is
By Eliezer Rauchberger
Agricultural Minister Shalom Simhon announced this week
before the Knesset Economic Committee the renewal of
agricultural imports for shomrei Shevi'is.
Simhon said that the Ministry is currently finalizing
preparations to renew the import of fruits and vegetables
after the Shmittah problems with the Chief Rabbinate "were
solved" following the High Court decision that forced the
Chief Rabbinate to appoint replacement rabbis who would grant
kashrus certificates for heter mechirah products in
every city or community where the chief rabbi refused to
provide kashrus certificates to businesses that use heter
mechirah produce.
Minister Simhon says that renewing imports will not cause a
sharp reduction in vegetable prices since prices are rising
no just because of Shmittah but also due to the high
costs farmers face as well as the rise in living standards in
India and China, which leads to increased demand for