HaRav Yosef Sitruk is slated to end his term as chief rabbi
of France after 21 years of successful efforts to strengthen
Judaism throughout France, notably by safeguarding
educational institutions from modern trends and buttressing
kashrus standards.
The Jewish community around the country was saddened by the
news of the election of Prof. Gilles Bernheim to the post of
chief rabbi. The elections were held in accordance with the
ancient system introduced by Napoleon Bonaparte 200 years
ago, which grants 300 community leaders and activists the
right to take part in the vote. The results do not reflect
the will of a majority of French Jews.
During the course of Rabbi Sitruk's two decades as chief
rabbi he was able to bring thousands of French Jews back to
Jewish observance.
Chareidi Jews in France are concerned by the election
outcome. Rabbonim and public figures from Israel and the
Diaspora worry all of these spiritual accomplishments could
now be lost after hearing various remarks and declarations
Prof. Bernheim has made. French rabbonim and public figures
told Yated Ne'eman they would continue the encourage
French Jews to strengthen their Jewish identity and buttress
religious observance, which has even won the respect of non-
Rabbi Sitruk will continue to serve as president of the
Conference of European Rabbis (CER).