Eternal Jewish Family Convention Next Week in Washington
By Eliezer Rauchberger
With gedolei Torah and poskim from both Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora on hand, Eternal Jewish Family is scheduled to hold its fifth convention next week in Washington DC, including proposals to address conversion problems in both Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora.
Nearly 200 kehilloh rabbis, dayonim and marriage registrars are expected to attend the three-day conference at the Renaissance Hotel, where they will be able to raise questions regarding problems they encounter in their communities and will have an opportunity to learn about guidelines handed down by gedolei Yisroel through the organization's Halacha Committee.
The convention will be graced by the presence of HaRav Dov Povarsky, one of the roshei yeshiva of Yeshivas Ponovezh, HaRav Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Ateres Yisroel, HaRav Moshe Shapira, HaRav Simchoh Kook, rov of Rechovot and chairman of the organization's Vaad Ruchani, HaRav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, dayan and moreh tzedek at HaRav Shmuel Wosner's beis din, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Chasam Sofer and chairman of the Vaad Halacha in Eretz Yisroel, HaRav Nochum Eisenstein, chairman of Vaad HaRabbonim LeInyonei Giyur, HaRav David Yosef, head of Beit Midrash Yechaveh Daat, and Chief Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar.
US rabbonim participating in the convention include HaRav Reuven Feinstein, president of the organization's Halacha Committee, HaRav Aharon Shechter, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Rabbenu Chaim Berlin, HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Philadelphia, HaRav Hillel David, rov of Kehillas Shaarei Torah in Brooklyn, HaRav Eliyohu Ber Wachtfogel, rosh yeshiva of the Yeshiva of South Fallsberg, and HaRav Leib Tropper, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Kol Yaakov and chairman of the organization's Rabbinical Committee.
Dayanim appointed to the special conversion courts set up with the backing of Eternal Jewish Family will play a prominent role at the convention.