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120,000 Yeshiva and Kollel Students in Eretz Yisroel
By Yechiel Sever
A total of 120,000 students are learning at 1,860 yeshivas and kollelim in Eretz Yisroel, which amounts to at least 19 million hours per month based on the standard schedule. The statistics were gathered by Yated Ne'eman with the help of the Union of Yeshiva Directors.
EJF: Rabbonim Must Ensure Conversions Performed Only If Candidate Commits to Keep Mitzvas
By Yechiel Sever
Following a ruling by the Beis Din Hagodol in Jerusalem that effectively called into question the status of Israel's special conversion courts by invalidating an old conversion, Eternal Jewish Family held a gathering in Jerusalem for rabbonim and dayonim during the first week in June.
High Court Decides Not to Intervene in Jewish Studies Budget at Yeshivos Ketanos
By Yechiel Sever
Following deliberations the High Court decided against hearing an appeal on the issue of boosting funding for Jewish studies at the yeshivos ketanos because it was not the subject the Reform Movement's suit regarding the regular funding of the yeshivos ketanos. The Israeli Reform movement has been aggressively trying to challenge government funding of chareidi education at all levels.
Joint Siyum for Shmittah-Observant Farmers from Negev Communities
By Yechiel Sever
An uplifting event to mark the completion of maseches Pesochim and maseches Moed Koton was held at the beis knesses of Moshav Talmei Eliyahu in the Negev's Eshkol District. The two masechtos were learned be'iyun by dozens of farmers since the start of the Shmittah year at special kollelim set up by Keren Shevi'is for the farmers who let their fields lie fallow and want to spend the year learning Torah and elevating themselves spiritually.
"I Presumed to Become Wise"
by Rabbi Arye Geffen
The Abused Wisdom of the Unfortunate
"There is a small city with few inhabitants; a great king came to it and encircled it and built mighty structures for siege. He found in it a wise but poor man who saved the city in his wisdom, but no one remembered this poor wise man" (Koheles 9:14).
Av, 5765 - Kislev 5766 (August-December 2005)
May-July, 2005
The Message of an Earthquake
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
Can I - Should I?
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
More Editorials . . .
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