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MK Rabbi Ravitz: Knesset Laws Must be Based on Torah
"Without peace between the legislative branch and the
judicial branch, and unless the boundaries are known, either
one is liable to overstep its limits, coercing and lording
over it, and this could cause a prolonged dispute," said MK
Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz during a special meeting of the Knesset
plenum to mark 58 years since the founding of the Knesset.
On Tuesday and Wednesday (11-12 Shvat / January 30-31) a
conference for Dayanim sponsored by the Monsey-based Eternal
Jewish Family Organization was held in Brooklyn. The
conference brought together dayanim from Los Angeles,
Montreal, Chicago, Cleveland, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Monsey
and Lakewood, along with rabbonim from Florida, Denver,
Baltimore, Houston and Brooklyn.
Gedolei Yisroel shlita are calling on the public to
continue supporting neighborhood generator initiatives by
joining the ranks of chareidim who opt for kosher electricity
on Shabbos, citing the need to avoid the use of electricity
produced through chilul Shabbos.
Chareidi buying power is growing by 7 percent annually, yet
advertisers are not increasing their budgets targeted at the
chareidi community at the same rate. The chareidi population
doubles every 20 years and currently represents 10 percent of
the total population, but the major advertisers prefer to
keep to their home court, expecting the chareidi sector to
make do with a few crumbs from the cake.
Decades after the communist era in Romania when any act with
a trace of Yiddishkeit was suppressed, the light of
ruchniyus is returning and shining bright. The elderly
generation is retrieving from memory the melodies of
tefilloh in shul while the younger generation
is eager to hear.
Non-Jewish aliens in Israel could turn into legal residents
after District Court Deputy President Judge Michal Rubinstein
gave the Interior Ministry four months to set the policy and
procedures for determining their residency status.
The Jewish community of Torino, Italy is demanding that a
high school history teacher be fired for teaching students
that Israel has no right to exist and should be wiped off the
HaRav Yosef Sheinberger z"l HaRav Yosef Sheinberger z"l, secretary of the Eida
Chareidis for decades, passed away in Jerusalem at the age of
The recent annual Gala Dinner of Yeshivas Ezras Torah of
Manchester, was held at the Beis Yosef Hall in Prestwich, and
celebrated almost twelve years' achievement of a unique Torah
mosad. The impressive seudah was attended by
many of the chashuvei ho'ir, as well as guests who had
travelled from out of town to be present. Past members of the
yeshiva also attended the event in a show of gratitude to the
Yeshiva. The head table was graced by rabbonim and roshei
yeshivos from across the kehilloh.
Politica: A Change in Attitude Toward Yeshiva Students and
Army Service By Eliezer Rauchberger The Knesset plenum took a first step on the way to extending
the military deferment law for full-time yeshiva students,
ending the discussion with a decision to hand the matter over
to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee to
determine how long the law should be extended.
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants