The hot lunch program went into operation in Modi'in Illit on
Monday. Now 3,500 children are receiving hot, nutritious
lunches subsidized by the Sacta Rashi Fund and under Shearis
Yisroel supervision.
Local Council Head Rabbi Yaakov Guterman surveyed the start
of the lunch program in the city, which followed extensive
efforts on his part. Due to objections by Education Minister
Yuli Tamir and her ministry, Rabbi Guterman had to lobby
other government ministries and the director of the Prime
Minister's Office, Raanan Dinur.
Rabbi Guterman joined Sacta Rashi Fund representatives on a
tour of Talmud Torah Chashmonaim, a cheder headed by
Rav Michoel Reichkind, to insure that the distribution system
and the entire program began without a hitch. The children
received warm food trays including carbohydrates, protein,
cooked and raw vegetables and fruit for dessert. The Council
Head and his staff watched as the children received
individual lunches in a dignified manner.
Rav Reichkind told his guests that thanks to the lunch
program now many students are receiving hot lunches
previously unavailable to them due to their families'
financial situation.
The principals of talmudei Torah and schools thanked
the promoters of the program in the chareidi sector,
especially the Council Head, who took pains to bring the
program to Modi'in Illit. Joining the tour were Rabbi Tuvioh
Freund, an advisor to the Council Head, and Rabbi Yoni
Bernfeld, head of security for the city's educational