Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

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8 Kiselv 5767 - November 29, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Poseiach Shaar on Maseches Rosh Hashonoh

by Rabbi Nosson Zeev Grossman
Reviewed by Yated Ne'eman Staff

This present cycle of the Daf Hayomi study is characterized by the new adherents who have joined the wide circle of Daf devotees. Already by the end of the previous cycle, the phenomenon of new members, avreichim and bnei Torah, joining the ranks of Daf students, was pronounced. Kollelim dedicated to the study of the Daf in depth were created at that time. This generation has also been blessed with many baalebatim who follow the strict daily/nightly regimen of the Daf Hayomi. Not simple laymen, these are professionals with a yeshivishe background and a yeshivishe approach to study, who seek to understand the Daf in depth.

A new work which was just published this week in Eretz Yisroel, and which will shortly be available in all seforim stores throughout the U.S. and Europe, sheds new light on the pages of maseches Rosh Hashonoh, which will soon be current in the Daf Yomi cycle.

This new work, Poseiach Shaar on Maseches Rosh Hashonoh, in Hebrew, written by Rabbi Nosson Zev Grossman of Jerusalem (who is an editor of the Hebrew Yated Ne'eman and familiar to readers by virtue of his hashkofoh essays on topical matters), includes a comprehensive amplification of the various sugyos and topics dealt with in this tractate, daf by daf, from the first to the last. Every single sugya is explained according to the Rishonim, who explicate the give- and-take (shakla vetarya) in the gemora, while presenting the various questions and comments of the Acharonim, as well as the chakiroh challenges, and the halachic implications which illuminate the overall sugya.

Essentially, whoever studies this tractate and refers to the over 1,000 pages of this monumental work, will get an all- inclusive picture of all aspects of each sugya, the steps taken in explaining the subjects being dealt with, via an analysis of the Rishonim commentaries and those challenging them, with each approach fully presented very clearly. The author also interjects his own personal insights by way of elucidating comments and scholarly conjectures, while stressing in his introduction that he does not presume to be definitive, but that whatever is written is meant to be food for thought to stimulate the mind and to point out possible approaches to each sugya and the means of understanding it.

Each person, however, is invited to glean the maximum of benefit from the prodigious toil which has been invested in clarifying each respective sugya, and to regard the thoughts presented in Poseiach Shaar as a means to delve all the more deeply into those various subjects. This work's lomdishe approach is evident in the fact that each topic is analyzed with the Talmudic tools prevalent in our yeshivos, while the aggadeto parts take on a new form through original scholarly-lomdishe explanations.

Two years ago, when the author published his first such work, Poseiach Shaar on Maseches Brochos, he received the enthusiastic blessings of Maran HaRav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv and Maran HaRav Shmuel Auerbach. This new work, in addition, has gained the fervent blessing of Maran HaRav Shmuel Birnbaum, rosh yeshivas Mir, who was effusive in his admiration of the work and its author.

This work, which has already made its debut in Eretz Yisroel, will assist the many who seek to study maseches Rosh Hashonoh in depth, as well as those who do not have at their disposal the many hours which are required to fully illuminate and understand each sugya with its accompanying Rishonim and Acharonim commentaries. All will find this work to be compiled, organized and presented in a lucid, approachable manner to assist the study and understanding of the maseches in a true yeshivishe, in-depth manner.


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