New Building Over Grave of HaRav Yaakov Abuchatzeira
By A. Cohen
The new structure built around the grave of HaRav Yaakov
Abuchatzeira zt"l, known as the Babba Salli, in
Damanhur, Egypt was dedicated shortly before his
yahrtzeit on Wednesday, 20 Teves.
Sunday morning a small group traveled to Damanhur, a city
west of Alexandria, headed by HaRav David Abuchatzeira, who
traveled to his grandfather's gravesite to pray for Klal
Renovation and preservation work has been done at the local
cemetery outside HaRav Abuchatzeira's grave and three of his
talmidim are buried with him in the ohel.
The work was done at the initiative of ish chessed R'
Yitzchok Leib Rennert of the US through HaRav Aharon Binah,
while the actual logistics were arranged by R' Menachem
For decades efforts have been made to execute renovation work
around the gravesite. Numerous ministers have discussed the
matter with the Egyptian president and defense minister, but
until recently the Egyptian authorities refused to permit the
renovation work at the site to accommodate the large number
of visitors that arrive every year on the 20th of Teves.