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Policemen Beating Passersby and Damaging Homes in Meah
Shearim and Beit Yisrael
Policemen in Jerusalem, under direct orders from District
Commander Commissioner Ilan Franco, have been seeding
violence and wreaking destruction aimed at thousands of Meah
Shearim and Beit Yisrael residents, ruthlessly beating and
trampling passersby, destroying private homes based on a
cruel desire for revenge and illegal collective punishment,
all supposedly in the name of law and order.
Throughout the Jewish world strident protests are being seen
and heard against an abominable parade scheduled to take
place in Jerusalem on 5 Tammuz, and a last-minute request is
being presented, asking the police and other officials to
cancel the offensive event, which threatens to undermine the
sanctity of the holy city of Jerusalem.
"If we don't wake up in time we will find ourselves in a
situation where conversion certificates will be worthless.
Nobody has authority to change the procedures for conversion.
Gedolei Yisroel are the only ones with authority to
determine the procedures that allow converts to be accepted
into the Jewish people."
This week the press ban was lifted regarding the arrest a few
months ago of 12 members of the Popular Front for the
Liberation of Palestine from Gaza who planned to carry out a
bombing attack on a beis knesses in Modi'in to exact
revenge for Jewish activity at Har Habayis.
Modi'in residents will be able to take the train to Tel Aviv
starting in mid-Elul (September 1), Transportation Minister
Shaul Mofaz announced. The ride from Modi'in to Tel Aviv will
take just 20 minutes, including the stop at Ben Gurion
Airport. Modi'in is a short drive from Modi'in Illit.
The Jewish community of Rome is irate over the light sentence
given to former SS officer Erich Priebke, who has been under
house arrest since receiving a life sentence. In 1998 an
Italian court tried Priebke, now 93, for his part in the
murder of 335 men and boys, including 75 Jews, at the
Ardeatine caves outside of Rome in 1944.
Rabbonim in Jerusalem's Ramot Beit neighborhood issued a
notice clearly stating that the ban gedolei Yisroel
issued two decades ago against using the swimming pool in
Ramot Beit, which allows mixed swimming and is open on
Shabbos, remains in effect, and warned the public not to
patronize the pool even during separate swimming hours.
Chareidi Schools Win Jerusalem Road Safety Awards The Bais Yaakov School in Neveh Yaakov and another chareidi
school in Jerusalem, Mesilah Naaleh, were selected to receive
this year's Mayor's Award for road safety.
A Mission to Spread Daas Torah
Looking for the Best in Yiddishkeit
The Immorality of Palestinian Combatants and Noncombatants
According to the Ramo (494:3) we do not say tachanun
from Rosh Chodesh Sivan until after Isru Chag (there
are other minhogim that do not say tachanun
until after the seven days of hashlomoh that follow
On Rosh Chodesh Sivan we do not say tachanun like on
every Rosh Chodesh. The second of Sivan is called Yom
HaMeyuchas since after yetzias Mitzrayim Hashem
commanded Moshe to say to bnei Yisroel: "Now therefore
if you will obey My voice indeed, and keep My covenant, then
you shall be My own treasure from among all peoples"
(Shemos 19:5) to prepare them for Torah. Afterwards,
the third, forth, and fifth of Sivan are the Sheloshes
Yemei Hagboloh when bnei Yisroel waited for
kabolas HaTorah (Mishnah Berurah 494:8, and see
Shabbos 86-88).
We do not say vetzidkoscho tzedek on Shabbos since it
is the YOm MaMeyuchas