Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

26 Tishrei 5767 - October 18, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network

Opinion & Comment
Big Bang

To the Editor:

"Finding Hashem in Nature - Losing Hashem in Science" (14 Tishrei) referred to the "heretical evidence" of the Big Bang." Indeed, the Big Bang theory cannot be squared with the Bereishis account.

According to the Torah, all the elements were made together, the Earth was formed before the stars, plants were formed before the sun, birds were created before reptiles, and the sun, moon and stars were formed on the Fourth Day after the Earth.

According to the Big Bang theory, the elements beyond hydrogen and helium were formed after millions of years, the Earth was formed long after the stars, plants evolved after the sun, birds evolved from reptiles, and the sun was formed before the Earth!

The Big Bang theory was originally conceived out of a desire to have a godless naturalistic explanation for the origin of the universe. A modified view has it that when the explosive event happened, it was directed by G-d. This is called "theistic evolution" and is an attempt to compromise the Torah with vast-age evolutionary theories, currently in vogue among some Orthodox writers including Rabbi Nosson Slifkin's The Science of Torah that was condemned by the rabbonim.

Among other things, this approach treats the Big Bang theory as if it was an undisputed fact.

Yet many astronomers and physicists claim that the facts belie it on pure scientific grounds, and more plausible theories abound, e.g. a shrinking universe ("The Big Crunch"), the transverse Doppler Effect, the decrease in the speed of light, cosmic dust heating and others.

An explosion would have propelled all matter radially from its center, and by the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum, could not have acquired the curving rotations and orbits we see everywhere in the cosmos. Worse, the Big Bang theory blatantly contradicts Newton's Law's of Motion and the Laws of Thermodynamics that state that with the passing of time there is an increase in entropy (disorder): there is a deterioration as systems go from order to disorder.

Just like the Earth's undetectable translational velocity, the Oort cometary cloud and the "missing mass" of the universe, the Big Bang model requires belief in such arcane notions as dark matter, dark energy, anti-matter, neutron stars, curved space, black holes, superluminal jets, "variously flavored" missing Neutrino, WIMP and MACHO particles etc. etc., none of which have ever been observed, photographed or measured — all theoretical entities that only exist in some astronomers' minds!

It is intellectually dishonest to conjure up the existence of unobservable entities in order to save a theory that observation would otherwise disprove.

"The Big Bang Theory is simply preposterous. This is not chochmah, but rather it is shtus!" (R.Shimon Schwab, Rav Schwab on Prayer, p444)

At the time of Creation "He spoke and it was; He commanded and it stood firm" (Tehillim 33)! The astronomical data once claimed to be evidence for the Big Bang theory, such as the Redshift and the Comic Background Radiation, instead much better support a rapid fully formed Geocentric creation only thousands of years ago

Yours Truly,

Amnon Goldberg


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