Workers from Lev L'Achim's anti-missionary department are
continuing their battle to cancel two gatherings that
missionary organizations are scheduled to hold in Jerusalem
next week: the Women to Women conference, sponsored by
Bridges for Peace, and the Women's Summit, sponsored by the
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ).
Both of these dangerous gatherings are being organized by the
Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, a lobbying group that Lev
L'Achim has long been warning supports and encourages
Christian organizations trying to disguise their true aim of
As a result of Lev L'Achim's demands, the Chief Rabbinate has
set up the Committee for the Prevention of Dissemination of
Missionary Activity, which met last week with Lev L'Achim's
Rabbi Zeev Shtieglitz and Jerusalem City Councilwoman Mrs.
Mina Pinton, who warned against the conferences. The Chief
Rabbinate then issued a forceful notice calling for the
cancellation of the two conferences.
MK Benny Alon, chairman of the Knesset Christian Allies
Caucus tried to persuade several members of the Rabbinate
Council that Bridges for Peace is not a missionary
Lev L'Achim then sent the Rabbinate Council documents clearly
showing that Bridges for Peace aims to convert Jews to
Christianity. The documentation included an official report
by a messianic Christian community operating in Arad saying a
donation of food and blankets it received from Bridges for
Peace was being distributed to families they are trying to
bring to a "belief" in J. They submitted a detailed report of
the contents of relief baskets they had distributed to 42
Holocaust survivors living in Arad.