Maran HaRav Eliashiv issued a special letter that
was read at the opening sessions. Dated 11 Kislev, the letter
is addressed to the "Rabbonim Hageonim shlita, and the
participants in the Conference of Degel Hatorah, Hashem
yishmereim veyatzileim." Maran writes: "My blessings are
given to those who gather lesheim Shomayim to strengthen the
Degel Hatorah movement, founded by Maran HaRav Shach
"Every gathering of yirei Hashem is of benefit to those who
gather and to the entire world, however there is a sevenfold
need for this gathering when without the sword of kefirah is
destroying, and the reshoim are roiling like the sea in order
to destroy everything spiritual, and to harm our pure
chinuch, and to destroy religious services, and they even
dare to battle against those who learn Torah, the bnei
hayeshivos hakedoshim.
"May it be His will that you are able to work towards
increasing kevod Shomayim, and to strengthen all aspects of
the religion.
"With Torah blessings,
"(signed)Yosef Sholom Eliashiv"