Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

4 Teves 5766 - January 4, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Home and Family

by Gita Gordon

Serializing a new novel.

Chapter 9: New York — The Meeting in the Parking Lot

Fred Smith saw something strange at his missing employers' apartment and put into place his plans to flee. He went to Switzerland. Dean is in Jerusalem. And those who pursued them are in New York City.


Two cars drew into adjacent spaces in the parking lot. To a casual observer the men seemed to meet almost by accident, but this was really a carefully arranged rendezvous.

"Well, what's going on? Nothing in the papers. The headlines should be: `Vanished Supermarket Millionaire's Son and Assistant Killed in Shoot-out in Apartment.' So far . . . nothing."

"They vanished, Boss."

"Vanished, vanished? Like in Abracadabra? I was paid good money for them to be killed, for it to look like they killed one another. What's this talk of vanishing?"

"We did it like you told us. We went to the apartment early, together with Sam. Then he left us with that old guy. The one you want bumped off last. He told us that he arranged for the two boys to arrive separately. Gus thought he heard someone leave by the service entrance, but we ran down and found no one. We waited all day. We called both apartments. We called the boy's college. I sent extra men to look for them. Nothing."

"You got the share certificates."

"No. We looked everywhere. We opened the safe in the study. No problem. All it had was two little black boxes with black straps stuck in a corner.

"That's bad . . . very bad. No share certificates. No disappeared heir, and the client can't do the merger. Then there's the guy who killed the couple, on my orders, and now he's running around loose. Find them. Both boys. Don't kill either boy till you know for sure where the share certificates are. No — till you actually have those certificates in your hand. Then make them disappear, but for good. I made a deal. I took the money. Get it right."

The hired car pulled out first. Two men with worried expressions were silent for a while as the car made its way through the busy New York City traffic.

Then the limousine pulled out. "What now, boss?" said the driver.

The heavyset man thought for a while. "Get everyone onto this. Forget all the other jobs. Use contacts with the Feds to see if they left the country. Keep a watch on all the places. Send one lot to the College. Maybe he'll go back there. Keep a watch on the other guy's apartment, on the pool hall — everywhere he usually goes. I don't like it. For one to smell a rat and not turn up at the apartment, I can understand. Two? No, something ain't good here."

"Oh, yes. Also get someone to call the client and explain that there is a slight delay. No. Better I should do that myself. The guy is very nervy. I need to calm him."

As he leaned back in his seat he thought to himself, "No wonder our client is nervy. He ain't used to this business, the way I am. He don't realize all the high-up contacts I have. Of course he's afraid now. He's afraid that the whole business of the disappearance in Brazil will be traced back to him.

"Bet he wishes now that he had never siphoned money from his company. I reckon his accountant is worrying that those dicey accounts will come to attention — and sooner, rather than later.

"This merger between these two supermarket chains must go through, so that he can make use of the money from the new company. Otherwise he is in bad trouble.

"Well, I took his money, and now it is up to me to get rid of the witness and also the heir. Once that is done my client can put the merger in place. Where can they be, those two young men?"


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