NRP Opens Party to Bareheaded Members
by G. Lazer
The committee involved in formulating the National Religious
Party constitution decided to allow "traditional" supporters
who do not wear yarmulkes to join the party and even get
selected for the party's Knesset list if they affirm they
accept the party's approach and constitution. The move paves
the way for bareheaded NRP members to represent the party in
the Knesset and local authorities. Previously NRP members had
to affirm they kept Torah and mitzvos.
The committee decided to accept the decision by NRP Chairman
MK Zevulun Orlev and Party Secretary Minister Shalom Jerby to
present the amendment to the constitution at the party
convention for approval. "The decision to open the ranks of
the NRP to the traditional sector is a historic decision,"
Orlev said. "The NRP assessed the situation in the field and
decided to bring into its ranks the wider public, which is
loyal to the Jewish tradition and wants to see the State of
Israel as a Jewish state according to the full meaning of the
word. As a grassroots party, open and developing, the NRP
cannot sit back on its laurels and remain a sectorial and
isolated movement."
MK Shaul Yahalom, chairman of the Matmedet Committee drafting
the new constitution, said, "The party is opening its ranks
to traditionalists who, until now, avoided taking an active
role in the party."