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Chapter Seventeen: Wholly, Purely Torah
An introduction to the Memoirs relating to the author of the
Avi Ezri ztvk'l, Maran HaRav Eliezer Menachem Mann
Before I begin to dredge up my precious memories of the
master/teacher of the entire diaspora, Maran HaGaon R'
Eliezer Menachem Mann Shach ztvk'l, I wish to first
introduce a very important point which relates to his
Throughout most of his life, Maran gave no acknowledgement
and showed no deference to anything in the world, save one:
Torah study and dissemination of Torah. This was not a form
of isolation, hibernation or fleeing from worldly matters;
Maran simply did not recognize a world other than the four
cubits of halochoh. It was his entire reality, and
therefore, one simply could not talk to him about any other
When he joined the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah in 5719 (1959) and
I informed the Brisker Rov of the fact, he smiled and said to
me, "Tell me R' Shlomo. Do you think that our R' Leizer'l is
capable of sitting with the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah? He
belongs only to Torah, itself. He has absolutely no knowledge
concerning this world; he is wholly, purely Torah."
The Central Pillar of Klal Yisroel
Contrary to forecasts and completely against nature, Maran
was transformed into a leader par excellence of all of
Klal Yisroel, and his proverbial net was cast over the
entire world. There was nothing big or small in the world of
Torah in which he was not involved. He was accepted as the
unchallenged universal leader and spokesman for Klal
It is only natural and understandable that a leader cannot be
involved or be privy to every detail. He establishes policy
in a general, basic manner, while leaving the actual
implementation and execution of that policy to his trusted
adherents, whose responsibility it is to translate and
execute his will into action and render it into practical
In this fashion did Maran the Chazon Ish and Maran the
Brisker Rov ztvk'l lead and guide our people. But in
general, they did not supervise the direct pragmatic course
of the `battle.' They were not an integral part of the
institution of Agudath Yisroel; they did not sit in on the
meetings of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah or of any other group
or institution.
In contrast, Rabbenu's conduct and leadership were different.
He was very active and personally involved with all the
institutions of Torah Jewry. He was the very central pillar,
like the supporting [horizontal] pole that ran through the
beams of the Mishkon and held them together. He was
the kingpin of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah; he sat at the
head of the Vaad Hayeshivos and was the head of the Chinuch
Atzmai hanholoh. He made it a point to attend all the
meetings and had the first and last word in everything
involving these bodies.
"In the Future, They Will Take Me to
His sense of responsibility towards Klal Yisroel
guided all his steps and actions. He felt personally
accountable for everything, big or small, that happened to
the public. He was often heard declaring, "In the future,
they will take me to task for something that took place in my
lifetime. `How were you not vigilant?' they will accuse
This sense of responsibility provided those superhuman
powers, the extent of which we cannot fathom, which enabled
him to lead the nation with a tight rein for a period of some
forty years.
His feeling of responsibility prepared him for that degree of
leadership and, despite his being a symbol of humility, the
knowledge and feeling that this mission had been assigned to
him enabled him to fulfill it to perfection.
His was a stormy period during which harsh decrees were
passed against the chareidi public, including the law on
autopsies. We were forced to stand vigil day and night in
order to prevent arbitrary autopsies.
Then there was the threat of the draft for Jewish girls; in
order to be exempted from it, a young girl had to undergo a
long and arduous process which included appearing before an
interrogating committee of secular members and answering
their questions to prove her level of observance.
Thanks to his strong leadership, Maran arrived at the
solution to the knotty problems that faced the Torah public;
he extricated his people from the straits and led them to
wide pastures where they blossomed and flourished.
Rearing up Like a Lion
In order to bring home the power of leadership with which
Maran was blessed, I will describe what took place in a
meeting of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah in 5737 (1977).
When Agudath Israel joined the Begin government that year, I
was the one chosen to meet with Prime Minister Begin in order
to deal with the question of the existing fiscal allocation
for yeshivos and other Torah institutions, a sum which had
been negligible to begin with and most discriminatory
compared to what other, similar institutions were
To my utter dismay, the Prime Minister said to me, "I am not
prepared to increase the allotment to yeshivos."
But the disappointment did not last long, for he immediately
added, "Why increase? In my opinion, Torah institutions
deserve to get the full 100 percent of their budget, the same
as other educational institutions."
Immediately after our meeting, I rushed off to the meeting of
the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah which was taking place in Kiryat
Telz Stone. I bore the good tidings of the prime minister's
decision to approve a full budget to Torah institutions. I
have never been privy to as many blessings as I received from
each and every member of the Moetzes upon that occasion.
In the end, Maran R' Shach got up, his face exhibiting
visible signs of inner turmoil. He let out a mighty roar,
proclaiming, "We must under no circumstances agree to the
offer of providing the Torah institutions with 100 percent of
their budget. This is a policy which I have as a tradition
from the Chofetz Chaim."
Maran went on to present three main reasons why the Chofetz
Chaim had thus ruled:
"First, the maintenance and support of the yeshivos and Torah
institutions is the privilege of every single Jew; no one
should usurp this right from them.
"Second, Chazal teach us not to become too close to the
authorities (Pirkei Ovos). No government can be
trusted, even the best of them. Today they decide thus and
tomorrow, when their interests change, they will decide
"Third, if in the future a government should decide to reduce
the budget, the yeshivos will find themselves standing before
a broken trough, at loose ends, having become accustomed,
meanwhile, to having all of their needs met. They will have
stopped raising money and will find it most difficult to
begin fundraising all over again. Besides, the wealthy people
will have become used to giving elsewhere and will have lost
the good habit of giving for Torah.
"Therefore," declared Maran in an assertive tone, "we must
not accept from the government more than 50 percent of the
respective budgets of the Torah institutions. We will raise
the remaining deficit as we have done up till now, and I ask
that it be recorded in the protocol not to accept more than
that 50 percent of the budget, or at worst, up till sixty
His outspoken, definitive words shocked the members, who had
been prepared to accept the prime minister's generous offer
of a full 100 percent of the yeshivos' budget. But since
Maran had been so adamant, no one dared to react, and his
words were accepted as the unchallenged ruling and policy.
I asked Maran upon this occasion, as at many other occasions,
from where he derived the assertiveness, the broad shoulders,
to make such a decision which was so opposed to the consensus
of the Moetzes members! He humbly replied, in a very thin
voice, "Because I examine myself and I know that I have
absolutely no personal interest in those matters where I take
an unequivocal stand."
A Man of Manifold Talents
I was very closely acquainted with the gedolei Torah
who had a pronounced effect upon the public for the past
seventy years. But an impact of such scope and power
throughout the world as wielded by Maran — that was not
to be found elsewhere. He was a one-of-a-kind, unique. Maran
was not only the initiator but also the executor, the
Towards the end of his days, when he approached his nineties,
he set out to rebuild the yeshiva world. He initiated and
carried out the plan of publishing a new newspaper reflecting
the daas Torah of the Bnei Torah public: Yated
Ne'eman, both in Hebrew and in English. He also
established a new organization and political party, Degel
Hatorah, which unites and represents the Torah-true
This scope of leadership would be sufficient in itself to
fill a twenty-four hour day of an average energetic person,
if not more. But by Maran, we saw the unbelievable take
place: alongside his leadership activities on behalf of
Klal Yisroel, he was still totally immersed in Torah.
For most of the hours of the day and night, he dedicated
himself to his students. He gave shiurim kloliyim,
daily shiurim and mussar talks. On the days
that he delivered his Shiur Kloli, he would be totally
engrossed and focused upon the subject and one could hardly
speak to him about anything else.
Notwithstanding, every person who approached him for advice
or a blessing received his full attention and, often as not,
Rabbenu did not suffice with merely giving counsel but would
immerse himself deeply in the subject, clarifying it and
dealing with the problem personally until a solution was
arrived at.
When a sign was once posted in Ohr HaChaim forbidding the
girls to go to Maran and disturb him without receiving
express permission from their teacher, he quickly sensed that
they had stopped coming and inquired what had caused the
change. When he was told about the notice, he immediately
demanded that it be removed, saying, "I want to be accessible
to everyone who needs help."
When I, Myself, Don't Know a Thing
Even though he led the generation with a powerful, courageous
leadership, he used to say, "For my part, I don't know a
thing. Whatever knowledge I possess comes to me from the
Chofetz Chaim and from my master, R' Chaim Ozer Grodzensky.
If any question arises regarding public matters or even
private affairs, I seclude myself and think: `How would R'
Chaim Ozer and the Chofetz Chaim rule in this matter?'"
I saw fit to present several unique features of the figure of
Maran, R' Shach, in my introduction so that those young men
who were not privileged to know him will be able to conjure
up something of his exceptional qualities and thereby be able
to better understand my future essays on him. The upcoming
articles will give a wider expression to each of the points
mentioned in my brief introduction.
Maran HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ztvk'l: What
is Hidden in Him Surpasses What is Visible to the Eye
"We undoubtedly do not possess the tools to grasp the powers
which Maran possessed or to understand how Maran, who was
wholly immersed in Torah, was simultaneously capable of
leading all of Klal Yisroel. And all this —
together with his devoted dedication to every individual. It
is a sealed enigma in our eyes how he was able to encompass
all this, how the little embraced so much. We thought that we
knew him, but we were far removed from this by thousands of
My son, HaRav Yitzchok, who is married to his granddaughter,
once asked Maran R' Shlomo Zalman: "It is traditionally
accepted that every generation has its thirty-six hidden
tzaddikim (see Succah 48b). Do these still
exist in our generation?"
Maran R' Shlomo Zalman replied: "Certainly, yes."
My son continued to ask: "But they say that those
tzaddikim conceal themselves in the garb of simple
laborers, and in our generation, they say the names of
certain laborers who appear to conduct themselves as simple
laymen while in reality, they are those very hidden
Maran replied firmly and surely: "No! Those are not the
hidden lamed-vovniks!"
R' Yitzchok continued to ask, "Well, then. Who are these
hidden figures of our generation?"
Rejoined, R' Shlomo Zalman, "You know one very well. He is
your own master-teacher, HaGaon R' Eliezer Menachem Mann
"But I don't understand why Zeide determines that R' Shach is
one of those hidden thirty-six. There is no one more famous
in our generation than he!"
R' Shlomo Zalman responded, "As famous as he is, there is no
one who truly knows the extent of his inner greatness. The
portion concealed inside him is immeasurably greater than
what is revealed to the eye!"
R' Shlomo Zalman then added, "Were it not so that the hidden
far exceeds the revealed, it would be impossible to reach
that height of spiritual stature which is visible to the
public eye. To what can this be compared? To a building that
towers up very high; it would not be able to stand so high
were it not for the deep, very strong foundation that is
buried underground."
Here is the place to add that Maran, himself, was accustomed
to say in the name of R' Yisroel Salanter zt'l that in
our times, there cannot exist a tzaddik nistor. Why?
"A Jew whose heart is infused with the reverence of Heaven
cannot conceal himself within four cubits at the time that
fire consumes all around him — and still ignore that
fire. He is compelled to go forth in battle and do whatever
is in his power for the honor of Hashem and His Torah."
Maran, himself, mentioned this selfsame concept in his speech
at the founding rally of Degel HaTorah which took place in
Binyanei Ha'Uma.
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