To Criticize, to Encourage
We see others making mistakes, and we criticize them. We
believe that this will improve the problem. Mostly though, it
makes matters worse. The criticism stings, hurts, gives rise
to resentment, and the need to take revenge.
At the same time, we're scared to praise wrongdoers for the
little good they do. We feel that this will strengthen the
evil in them. Mostly though, the opposite is true. They enjoy
the praise, the approval and attention they receive, and now
want more. They are willing even to do more good deeds, to
receive more of this delicious support.
Now, where can we use this idea more?
Speak Nicely
Our words affect the way other people feel about themselves.
Saying the right words makes them feel good. Saying the wrong
words makes them feel bad.
In the same way, what other people say to us, affects how we
feel about ourselves. They say the right words, and we feel
good. They say the wrong words, and we feel bad.
In general, the way we treat others, is the way they treat
us. We need to try therefore, as much as possible, to help
others feel good about who they are, and what they do. We
need to say the right words.