Thousands Mark 11th Yahrtzeit of HaRav Shlomo Zalman
Auerbach zt"l at Gravesite
By Betzalel Kahn
Thousands of Jews, including many of his former
talmidim, visited the gravesite of Maran HaRav Shlomo
Zalman Auerbach zt"l at Har Hamenuchos Cemetery in
Jerusalem to mark his 11th yahrtzeit on Monday with
prayers and supplications for rachamei Shomayim,
healing and yeshuoh for individuals and for Klal
His holy memory was also recalled in ohalei Torah
throughout Eretz Yisroel and in chareidi
kehillos in the Diaspora, where roshei yeshivos and
mashgichim delivered shiurim le'ilui
Divrei his'orerus were also said for the pillar of
halochoh who radiated his profound Torah scholarship and
yiras Shomayim for 70 years through his elevated
middos and hanhogos, his books and other
writings, and his halachic rulings for all of Beis