Emergency Kenness on Chareidi Education in Jerusalem
By Betzalel Kahn
On Wednesday is scheduled an emergency gathering at Binyanei
Ha'Uma in Jerusalem, led by gedolei Yisroel shlita, to
strengthen and ensure the survival and independence of pure
Torah-based education.
The decision to hold the emergency meeting was reached after
consulting with maranan verabonon, who stressed the
importance and urgency of the event in light of the incessant
attempts by government officials to interfere with the sacred
curriculum and character of the chareidi education system in
Eretz Hakodesh, including Chinuch Atzmai, seminaries,
talmudei Torah and yeshivos ketanos.
Hundreds of principals, educators and teachers from all ranks
of chareidi education in both primary and secondary grades
are expected to take part in the event, discussing current
issues and uniting to form a solid wall to protect the purity
and independence of Torah-based education.