Beitar Illit to Extend Borders
By Yechiel Sever
Four years of intensive work by Beitar Illit Mayor Rabbi
Yitzchok Pindrus with military and government officials
finally bore fruit when the city was given the go-ahead to
extend the municipal boundary to include the English
Recently Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz signed the land
transfer, and Interim PM Ehud Olmert is expected to sign the
final authorization, which would bring an additional 500
dunams (125 acres) under Beitar's jurisdiction.
The area known as the English Forest is actually open land
riddled with boulders and nettles located near the Yaar
Beitar Gas Station on Highway 375. During the Mandate Period
the British tried a forestation project but the trees planted
were uprooted in the middle of the night. The trees are all
gone, but the name remains.