Making of a Godol Revised, But Ban Remains
By Betzalel Kahn
Following the ban on The Making of a Godol three years
ago, a revised edition was recently published, but gedolei
Torah issued an outright ban against the new edition as
well, after having it examined by English-speaking
The revised edition claims to have rectified the offensive
material, but HaRav Y. Rosenbloom, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas
Shaarei Yosher of New York, and the Mashgiach HaRav Don
Segal, determined that the book is still unsuitable. Based on
their examination, last week gedolei Yisroel issued
another letter prohibiting the book from being possessed,
read or sold.
The new letter reads as follows:
Daas Torah
BS"D, 14 Adar 5766
On Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5763 a statement prohibiting the book,
The Making of a Godol, was issued. Since a new book
has now been printed with the claim that the matters that
needed rectification were indeed rectified, after Hageonim
Hatzaddikim R' Y. Rosenbloom and R' D. Segal examined the
matters, this [claim] has been found to be untrue —
kema'aseihu borishonoh kein ma'asehu be'achronoh
— and therefore the ban remains in force.
Yosef Sholom Eliashiv
Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman
Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz
Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg
Nissim Karelitz
Tzvi Markovitz
Chaim Kanievsky
Shmuel Auerbach