Camp goes hand in hand with relaxation and fun. Is it a
wonder, then, that as teenagers in camp, one of our favorite
pastimes was massaging one another's back? It was fun and
relaxing. One of the girls in our bunk wore a brace, not on
her teeth but on her body — from the hips up to the
neck. In those times, the brace was white and bulky and stuck
out from the top of her clothes and made the poor girl look
twice her size. She had a problem with her back: scoliosis
was the word, if we were interested, and she could not remove
her brace, not even for a good massage. Well, when one of the
more knowledgeable girls in our group massaged my back, she
stopped abruptly and exclaimed.
"You've got scoliosis, too."
"Yeah, I remember the doctor saying something like that a
couple of years back."
I didn't wear a brace and one couldn't tell that I had the
condition. So what makes one wear a brace and the other
First, let's backtrack a bit and see what exactly is
Hashem created every body with lots of curves. We have arches
in our feet and a rounded head. The spine follows the same
pattern. It arches at the top to round our shoulders and
curves again at the bottom to give us that slight curve in
the lower back. However, in about two percent of the
population, the spine curves not only inward and outward, but
also from side to side. The curves can be so severe that the
spine forms a "S" or even a "C". This condition is called
Scoliosis usually develops in middle or late childhood. The
cause is usually unknown. A young child with scoliosis will
not complain because it is not yet painful; therefore, it is
not easy to notice the problem. This can be tricky because
the sooner one catches the condition the easier it is to
Most doctors will give their patients a routine exam called
the Adam's Forward Bend Test to rule out scoliosis. He will
ask the child to stand with his feet together and to bend
forward 90 degrees from the waist. The spine will be clearly
visible and any asymmetry or abnormal curvature can be
So what happens when the doctor suspects scoliosis?
If the child already finished growing and a mild case is
discovered [a curve of less than 25 degrees], there is really
nothing to do, but keep an eye on it. It will not affect his
social, or physical activities in the least.
A more severe case is when the child is still growing and the
curve in the spine is more pronounced. In this case, after
the standard tests and x-rays, the doctor might put the child
on observation or most probably on a brace. The brace does
not cure the problem, but it prevents the curve from getting
worse. The child will have to wear the brace from sixteen to
twenty-three hours a day until he is fully grown.
The worst case scenario is when the curve in the spine is
over 45 degrees. This is classified as severe and the doctor
will most likely advise surgery. With the technology today,
the surgery is relatively safe and effective.
It needs to be mentioned that there are adults who had
scoliosis as children but were never treated. In this
scenario, the curve in the spine may have progressed, about a
degree per year. The spine should be kept under
The condition can run in the family. If one member is
diagnosed, the others should be screened regularly. It is
also more prevalent among girls. A brace may be uncomfortable
and the child may feel self-conscious. However, with the
advances today, one can hardly tell that a brace is being
worn under the clothing, and he may participate in a broad
range of activities.
Contrary to what people think, exercises to strengthen the
back and training oneself to stand straight will not help the
How do we know if our child has or is developing
Look out for one of these signs:
* uneven shoulders or shoulder blades
* the rib cage is at different heights
* uneven waist
* elevated hip
* head not centered directly over the pelvic bone
* change in look or texture of the skin overlying the spine
[dimple, hairy patches, color change]
* entire body leaning to one side
Scoliosis is a scary word. However, it is easily treated,
although it cannot be prevented. The important thing is to
observe, and may you never see these symptoms on your