& Comment
Overweight and Diabetes: Immoral?
To The Editor:
While I generally enjoy your articles, I think you are off
base by implying that obesity and diabetes are moral
problems. I certainly agree that a person should strive for
the madreigoh of self-control, and that people should
make choices for themselves that lead to greater health.
However, it seems to me that it is extreme to label someone
"immoral" if they are overweight. I think that you are
ignoring some basic medical facts about problem eating,
genetic factors leading to obesity and decreased exercise
capabilities, and environmental factors that lead to these
problems. Obesity and diabetes-2 are best treated as a health
problem, rather than a failure of morality.
Correct me if I am wrong, but if you knew of a person who
very publicly violated issurim such as arayos
or geneivoh, you would probably feel justified
keeping your children away from that person's home, and
perhaps it would even be muttar to discuss that
person's flaws publicly. Does this mean we can treat
overweight people who eat cake and kugel at the weekly
kiddush the same way? I appreciate your concern for
this epidemic problem, but I must really disagree with your
approach to it in this editorial.
Thanks again for otherwise wonderful content.
Edward A. Hurvitz, M.D.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
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