& Comment
A Discredited, Evidence-less Idea
Dear Sir,
"Theories, Geological Evidence, and Assumptions" (4 Tammuz)
made eminently clear that the fact that the date 5766 on the
cover of Yated is literally true, preceded by a
Hexaemeron of 144 literal hours, is the Torah stance!
Yet it is obviously not eminently clear for some Orthodox
writers who are still wedded to the discredited, evidence-
less evolutionary idea of billions of years.
The solid scientific evidence of a young universe has still
not registered on some Orthodox who have fallen for the
current evolutionary Zeitgeist yetzer and try to
interpret certain passages in the Torah differently from the
time-honored tradition, doing so in the mistaken belief that
the Torah view on the age of the world is at variance with
science; otherwise they would not have sought new
interpretations in the Torah: "To reconcile Evolution with
the Torah needs a lot of tongue-twisting. Generations later
people will look back and say they were meshugga!"
(HaRav Avigdor Miller, tape 871)
Yours truly,
Amnon Goldberg
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