Only Guests
With our problems, our frustrations, our aspirations, we need
to remember that we are only guests.
Hashem is the host, and He invites us to this world. To
increase our pleasure, He makes us a party. He lays out cakes
and drinks. He creates games for us to play — to
heighten our pleasure — to add excitement to our stay.
Fortunately, unfortunately, we get caught up in the games ...
and we forget that we are guests.
In our involvement, in our busyness, we forget that all that
is ours and isn't ours is Hashem's. We forget that every
problem we face, has a solution — every frustration, a
resolution — every aspiration, a resting place. We
forget that all life begins with Hashem — and all life
ends with Hashem.
Therefore, we need to remember that we are guests —
that we may unwind a little, that we may enjoy the party. We
need to try — again — to enjoy our lives —
with our Host in mind.