Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

16 Shevat 5765 - January 26, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network

Opinion & Comment
Saving the Kollelim

by L. She'ela

Maran HaRav Elchonon Wassermann Hy'd, citing the Vilna Gaon, said that the passage describing Yaakov Ovinu's return to Eretz Yisroel following his exile in Padan Aram alludes to the period of Ikveso deMeshicho. "And he placed the handmaids and their children in front," indicates that during the Ikveso deMeshicho the descendants of the Eirev Rav will head the nation; "and Leah and their sons behind them," hints that the masses of kosher Jews will be subjugated to them; "and Rochel and Yosef last of all," refers to talmidei chachomim, who will be the most debased of all (Bereishis 33:2).

HaRav Wassermann then explains how Yaakov's battle with the angel also hints to the period of Ikveso deMeshicho where the verse reads, ". . . and he touched the upper joint of his thigh" (32:26) — the part of his leg that supported Yaakov Ovinu — a reference to tamchin de'Oraiso, i.e. the supporters of the lomdei Torah who allow them to learn with peace of mind. Ever since Am Yisroel became a nation, Jews have conscientiously fulfilled this mitzvah (such as the relationship between Yissochor and Zevulun), but in the days of Ikveso deMeshicho the mitzvah is forsaken everywhere. HaRav Elchonon explains that even countries that today still give financial support give money for various different purposes whereas for the Torah not a cent remains (see booklet Ikveso deMeshicho).

There should be no need to demonstrate at length that the malicious government that ruled in Israel until recently in Ikveso deMeshicho struck out against the Torah world with every means at its disposal. Even the funding cut in Child Support Allowances (which was really designed to harm bnei Torah families) is being implemented incrementally and we have not yet felt its full force, while the yeshivas and kollelim absorbed the full impact immediately. Today an avreich kollel over the age of 21 receives NIS 280 ($63) per month from the government! This means every rosh kollel who wants to provide his talmidim a minimal allowance has to seek hundreds of shekels per month for every avreich. Even with the entry of UTJ into the government, most of these cuts are unlikely to be restored. The hope is that discriminatory cuts of support for more basic education will at least be rolled back.

The immediate result of the drastic cuts is the threat of closing many kollelim to new avreichim. In a situation of uncertainty, roshei kollelim are not willing to commit to provide budgeting for additional avreichim. Dozens of young avreichim who got married in recent months have found it difficult to find a learning framework or are offered only the support available through the Ministry of Religious Affairs—NIS 280 per month— and the results are easy enough to imagine.

The fundraising drives in the Torah world, which are critical to its continued survival, are being brushed aside. Perhaps this is because every rosh kollel tries to operate on his own and encounters a limited circle of donors rather than working through a central body that would invest in bringing the matter to the public's awareness.

Without detracting from the importance of other fundraising drives, bnei Torah must be made aware that their tzedokoh money should be directed toward supporting lomdei Torah, and clearly this is one of the best ways of fulfilling the mitzvah of tzedokoh—lest we too leave scanty amounts for the support of Torah study. Under current circumstances the very existence of the kollelim is in question, not to mention the task of expanding existing frameworks to take in new avreichim. Perhaps now is also the time to set up an organization headed by rabbonim and askonim, that would initiate an organized fundraising drive to strengthen the kollelim, particularly to pay for the absorption of new avreichim. In addition to aiding the survival of kollelim for lomdei Torah this would also help prevent subsequent waves of fundraising drives for people in need of tzedokoh.

Eisov's emissary struck out against tamchin de'Oraiso. The crown of Torah is being neglected, few are those who take an interest in it, but for whoever wants the merit it is here for the taking!

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